Thursday, April 16, 2009

No more goodbye's

So I found this video by rascal flatts and it really touched me. It actually got me crying. I just wanted to share with you my thoughts. In the end of the video, the grandpa/father, asks his grandson what the other side is like, and the little boy responds, "there are no more goodbyes". I absolutely love that. In life, we always face death, or some sort of parting from someone. As it says in the beginning of the video, life seems to be full of chapters of goodbyes. And it is, but what is so beautiful about everything, is that when we pass on in life there will be no more goodbyes, there will be no more tears of sorrow. What may seem so scary, is in reality so beautiful. It just reminds me of the saying, "God be with you till we meet again". I just hope you can see the beauty in this video like I did, even if its a tear jerker.


Kerri said...

i love that song, but hadn't seen the video to it. definately is a tear jerker!!

thanks for sharing!

katinkadinks said...

Wow- that is a really sad song, with a beautiful message at the same time though.

Stink Bone Jones said...

Hi there,

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving kind comments. I bought that mushroom at hobby lobby a couple of months back. Hopefully you can try and find it at your local hobby lobby.